Law Firms and Attorneys may request PDF scanned copies of library material by contacting the InterLibrary Loan Department at 801.422.3656 or Melanie Coleman. Items from electronic databases may not be loaned or distributed. However, in-person access for many databases is available on site.
Law Firms in Utah
The Howard W. Hunter Law Library provides a scan-and-send service for law firms in the State of Utah free of charge. The Library will also lend print materials free of charge. However, the law firm must provide a UPS or FedEx account number to cover shipping costs.
Out-of-State Law Firms
The Howard W. Hunter Law Library provides a scan-and-send service for out-of-state law firms for a fee of $5.00 for up to 50 pages. Print materials will only be lent if a request is submitted through WorldShare/Illiad and an ILL number is generated.